Two miles north of Toledo Bend Dam/spillway, 1 mile north of intersection of HWY 191 and HWY 392, 35 miles from Leesville/Ft. Polk, 35 miles south of Many, La.

South Toledo Bend State Park is scenic and serene and located on several small bluffs overlooking the Toledo Bend Reservoir. There is birding access throughout this 400-acre park, located near the Louisiana-Texas state line.

A paved nature trail leads through mixed pine-hardwood and hardwood slope forests, populated by mature specimens of short-leaf and loblolly pines, red oaks, sweetgum, Southern magnolia, and American beech. Forest birds of interest include Pileated Woodpecker, Warbling Vireo, eight sparrow species, and 13 warbler species.

A spotting scope is a must when viewing waterbirds in this massive reservoir. Waterfowl species are plentiful during fall/winter/spring, including Blue-winged Teal, Northern Shoveler, Canvasback, and Redhead. Laughing, Ring-billed, and Franklin's Gulls, along with Caspian and Forster's Terns, have been spotted. Other waterbirds of interest include the Horned Grebe, Common Loon, American White Pelican, Great Blue, Little Blue, and Green Herons. Bald Eagles love this reservoir. They nest here and are commonly seen October-May each year.

The reservoir is nationally recognized as a destination for largemouth bass fishing tournaments. Still, visitors to the park can enjoy other outdoor recreational activities such as picnicking, hiking, cycling, paddling, swimming, camping, and nature photography. A 3,000-foot surfaced nature trail allows all visitors to explore the area around the Visitor Center and the RV camping areas. Additional overnight accommodation options include two-bedroom cabins and primitive and glamping campsites. The best parking spots for this fully-accessible site are at the visitor center or boat launch. 

Parks & Nature
Paved Trails
Viewing Platform/Observation Blind
Visitors Center/Nature Center